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RSC Advances is an international, peer-reviewed journal covering all of the chemical sciences, including multidisciplinary and emerging areas. We have topic-modelling technology to automatically categorise articles into one or more of the...


    RSC Advances is an international, peer-reviewed journal covering all of the chemical sciences, including multidisciplinary and emerging areas.

    We have topic-modelling technology to automatically categorise articles into one or more of the 12 main subject categories and over 100 further sub categories. Download our full list of subject categoriesto see the range of topics we publish in RSC Advances.

    The criteria for publication are that the work must be high quality, well conducted and advance the development of the field. Articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by international referees for the overall quality and accuracy of the science presented.

    Please ensure you have considered the following points before submitting your manuscript. Does the work present a significant advance over the existing literature? Please supply a covering letter with your submission to demonstrate how the work is advancing the field over the existing literature.
    Have you provided sufficient evidence/data to support your conclusions?
    Have you provided adequate characterisation data for your materials/compounds? (Please check the supporting information section to ensure that the necessary requirements have been met and copies of relevant spectra have been provided where necessary.)
    Are the results discussed in the context of the literature?
    Are the references relevant and appropriately reflect the existing literature?

    Open access from 2017

    RSC Advances will become a gold open access journal from Issue 1, 2017. This will allow researchers free access to a broader scope of high-quality research articles, and offer new, affordable open access publishing opti...



